Monday, September 26, 2011

Tim Tam Slams

I'd like to share an Australian treat with all of you called a Tim Tam Slam.

First of all, what is a Tim Tam? You may remember Matt mentioning these chocolate cookie treats in his previous posts, as he discovered them while studying in Australia during his college years. Before we arrived in Melbourne, I had been advised to look forward to their awesomeness.

After being in Melbourne for just a few weeks, we learned two more things about Tim Tams. Their variety is is more than we you could ever imagine....and when combined with milk they reach a whole new pinnacle of deliciousness.

You may be thinking... "Um, we in the States have Oreos. Dipped in milk. And, they are pretty awesome. I bet you can't top that with some Ting Tang thingy." Ah, but this would be false. Tim Tam slams move from the casual arts of "dipping cookies in milk" to the complex culinary world of "using cookies as a straw."

And so, I bring you the steps for a Tim Tam Slam:
Step 1:
 Heat milk in the microwave.

Step 2:
Stir in either Ovaltine (which by the way is not as sweet here so I add in a little sugar too)
or Milo (another malty but not as sweet as ovaltine mix).  When using Milo, water can work in place of milk.

Step 3:
Take a bite of corner of the Tim Tam, turn 180 degrees, and take a bite of the opposing corner.

Step 4:
Dunk the Tim Tam in the heated beverage.
Using the Tim Tam like a straw, suck the beverage through the Tim Tam for a bit.
Then, remove the Tim Tam from the mug.
Step 5:
Now the Tim Tam will be melted and warm all the way through (a.k.a amazingly delicious)!

If you are confused, watch this video of lead Snow Patrol singer attempting a Tim Tam Slam:

You may be wondering, "But, how do I make a Tim Tam Slam without Australian Tim Tams?" Lucky for all our readers in the states, as per will be able to stock up on Tim Tams from October to March! I'm envisioning stocks of these alongside boxes of trusty Girl Scout Cookies.

I've also been told (though can't personally substantiate the claim), that when in dire straights, a "Twix Slam" will satiate Tim Tam Slam cravings...

I will leave you all with a song, written by a Melbourne band, all about the gloriousness that is a Tim Tam Slam:

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