Friday, March 15, 2013

Keeping up with the Jonses

Congratulations to Luke and Marnie Jones on their wedding this past weekend!

It was a beautiful ceremony right on the beach, and the reception was a party to be remembered.  We couldn't be happier for them!  I first met Luke over a year and a half ago at work.  After he warmed up to my Americaness (he was hesitant at first), we quickly became good friends, and he's become one of my best "mates" here in Australia; he, along with Nick (pictured below) have taken upon themselves to teach me the ways of their homeland, including the superiority of the metric system, the soft pronunciation of the letter "R," and what a B&S Ute is.  Not long after meeting Luke, Lydia and I had the honor of meeting his girlfriend Marnie, and we quickly all became close friends - we even spent Christmas together with their respective families.

I promised my other best mate that I'd post a picture on the blog.  You're welcome, Nicka

We wish them the best in their future lives together, and in their approaching travels.  Come April, we'll lose them both to an adventure over in Europe, which we're (selfishly) saddened by, although we suspect it won't be too long before we meet again, be it in Europe, Australia, or the States!

Good picture of Luke and Marnie, average picture of Lyds and myself

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Tribeca Timelapse

As Lydia and I have both been holed up in our apartment this weekend (we've both come down with a nasty head cold), I figured I'd have a play with timelapse video.  I ordered a programmable shutter trigger for my camera about a week ago, but figured out yesterday that I can achieve the same result using my laptop and a bit of software.  Not wanting to leaving my camera and my laptop unattended in a public spot, and needing a powerpoint for my laptop, I figured the best place to try it out would be the porch of our apartment.  Unfortunately we don't have an awesome view of the night sky from our apartment (as evident in the video), so I had to frame the shot using a portrait orientation rather than the preferred landscape for video:

*Hot tip- change the video quality to HD720P to see the stars

Nonetheless, I'm pretty happy with the result, although I definitely have some ideas for improvement for next time around.  For the photography nerds out there, here's what settings I used:

13" exposure
ISO 800
One shot taken every 3 minutes, with the hope of capturing 80 shots (camera battery died after 62 shots)
Shots were taken starting at 8:27pm and continued until 12:31am

Hopefully more to come soon!